2012 New Year Poem


Last Day of Twenty Eleven

Last day of twenty eleven
Studying for final examination
Celebration with books and papers
Mind driven into facebook world

Updated status and funny pictures
New wishes and resolutions
Everyone waiting for the last hour
The start of a brand new year

Happy new year to all of my friends
May all your new years wishes be granted
Hopes and dreams will comes true
and to my sweetheart: I love You <3

P/S: Let's hope that 21.12.2012 is another hoax~ I still want to marry my sweetheart =P

Internship In RK-M


This is actually a random post. I started my internship yesterday and today is my second day. It feels quite scary on first day because seeing everyone working makes me feel that I'm actually working too, but it's ok now as I'm getting used to the environment. I still not comfortable with everyone looking at me because everyone is wearing uniform and only me wearing my own shirt.

Today as soon as I start sit down on my place, again there is nothing else to do except studying the manual book. By now I can describe briefly of the whole roller chain manufacturing process, seeing the manual book repeatedly is making me drowsy. After lunch finally I got a job to do, not really a big task but I enjoy doing it, or I rather do it then facing that manual book=.="

Let me introduce you all to Mr. Piercing Punch. You all can call him Mr.Punch. Mr.Punch here is all wear out as he involve in the stamping of metal plate so he is going to be reborn to become a whole new Piercing Punch again. 

My task is to measure their diameter and put them into categories according to the diameter. Yes there are a few of Piercing Punch here.

Together there are 183 Piercing Punch to be recycle. Not many really, not enough to kill my time lol, so after finish measuring and put them into categories~

 Masterpiece lol

Mission Impossible!!! Guess how I manage to pull this off?? ^^

Look kind of weird but you get what I'm trying to do =P

My supervisor seem to have lot for me to accomplish in the future, just hope it's not hard job to do. Hope everything will goes well =) And for those of you who still wondering where I'm having my internship~ It's Kilang Rantai S.A Sdn Bhd, the pioneer of roller chain industry in Penang, Malaysia =)

The END~

Goodbye My Puppy


I'm finally back at home guys ^^ Can't believe I blog twice today, and of course there is reason for that. Shall I start with my journey back home? As planned after having our lunch, I fetch my baby to Wang Ulu because she is going back home by his cousin's friend. This time is different in many way compare to our separation before as she is going back home by car and we will be separate for more than 4 month. Feel really reluctant to see her depart, yet somehow I feel I'm going to see her again (My intuition is quite good you see =P)

For the next one hour plus journey is one of the best I had lol, we are together on the same road chasing each other on separate car. At some point I feel like chasing after my bride^^ until we reaches the rest stop my baby ride on my car since we are still heading for the same direction. We sing in the car and experience one scary accident, I'm glad we are safe because of the crystal =P (sorry I'm still obsess with crystal ^^)

The real reason I want to write this post is because my puppy. The very first thing I did when I reaches home is to find my mom. However I didn't saw my puppy anywhere, and my mom told me the puppy is died two weeks ago. I feel sad when I heard about this, it has been almost 5 month the puppy live with our family. I didn't have the chance to play with her much since I'm in university and plan to play with her during my long holiday, but she leave so soon. Life is so unpredictable, my old dog is still stand guard for our house for almost 13 years until now, yet my puppy cannot survive over half year.

To my puppy: Even tough we didn't spend time together very long but it is fun playing with you, you are always so noisy, hyperactive and want us to play with you. You always so cute after you done eating because your tummy will turn big and round^^ I wonder why you will always stay still when I blow air on your face, I hope it's not because my breath is bad =P Goodbye puppy, our family love you~ <3

Getting a bit emotional writing this, now that my puppy is gone I treasure my time with my old dog more. She is really old now, almost blind and cripple a bit, but she still have her strong barking voice, guarding our house  with all her strength. Going to play with my dog now =)

The END~

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